Stupidest movie title since Turtles Swim Faster Than Expected
Seki Megumi - Eri
Asari Yosuke – Watanabe
Miura Haruma - Noto
This review might be kind of short as lately I haven’t got as much time as I usually do, this month I want to get a few things blogged but seem to watch stuff so much quicker than I can review them. This movie is by no means worth a short review but to be fair it hardly needs an epic rant either.
I love this movie. There are countless half assed opinions of this film online, most people just didn’t really understand it. I thought the point was clearly outlined from the very beginning with Ichihara ’s phenomenal narrator voice (lord the boy can smooth out a piece of dialogue) this film is all about fighting demons. Most likely inner demons. In Eri’s case, dressed up in the form of an immortal chainsaw wielding mentalist from the sky.
Yosuke’s demons seem to be dressed up as his disregard for his own life, maybe not quite as fatal as Eri’s chainsaw wielding dude, but then again maybe so.
We first meet yosuke, being an idiot. Never feeling he could live up to the immortal presence of his dead friend Noto, Yosuke has lost his place and just acts out in a restless attempt to fill a void left open by Noto’s immense personality. He meets Eri one night who is battling her own demon in the form of said chainsaw wielding weirdo from the moon of planet mental. Her demon dude is also caused by grief and she has no choice but to battle him every single night in an attempt to keep her despair at bay.
The two haphazardly join forces and become unlikely friends and there is not much more to it than that. Until stuff goes wrong and, y’know, the rest of the story happens.
Seki Megumi has huge watery eyes, I swear I’ve never seen her in a happy role but she can do sad and tormented like no-one else so who cares. And should i mention Ichihara's poddle afro...? it kind of speaks for itself. That boy's hair seriously... how... i mean...
It isn’t meant to really be a big epic film, it is like a small section of the lives of the two main characters from a time when they were both grieving and feeling warped by their instability. Finding out who you are through hardships that happen, how you deal with your troubles, and who you cling to along the way, is the inevitable ebb and flow of life. That is kind of what this movie is about, though it doesn’t profess to be the most serious take on the whole thing. It is more like a wandering absent minded thought, than a meditation on a problem.
Well I’ve run out of time so that will have to do. Hopefully the screen shots help sum up whatever I couldn’t find the words to say. Don’t try to take the movie to seriously and read a whole bunch into it – you won’t get it if you do that. It really isn’t so complicated. It’s just a sweet film. And buy Miura Haruma’s single for this movie. (^_^)
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