young black jack ヤング ブラック・ジャック[movie]

all I was waiting for was his hair to go white. Through the whole film. I think I deafened my neighbours when it finally did.

Right, so I’ve come to like this guy Okada Masaki was in Half Way, among many many other things, and saw on some random thing he was only in the movie version of Blackjack [insert wide eyes and exclamation marks here] that anime fecking rocked.

At some point I will finish the manga but lack of space and money has meant reading it online and reading manga onscreen is a little bit of a chore for me and my light sensitivity – when the brightness on my laptop screen is turned right down as it usually is I can’t really see f*ck all.

This movie is the back story [yay] that explains what happens to that rogue doctor and why he became a secret genius with a two tone hair do. I was like *he shouldve had white hair in this movie damn it, he would’ve looked so good* then KYAA mother f*cking KYAA it is white later on in the film. Woo. I had to fan girl at my friend who didn’t really get why I was so exited [being a boy and all] but he was the only one I knew who had seen blackjack so methinks I should’ve made some more people watch that with me in order to rejoice in this cheesy ass awesome movie. Jeez girl put in some commas.

Naka Riisa is also in this, and we all know how much I adore that girl. So I was happy all round. I like this as a standalone movie, but as a back story it works well – they could soooo do a series with this cast. Aish seriously the white hair works. It really does.

Anyway, for those of you who haven’t a clue what the f*ck I’m talking about as you haven’t seen the anime or read the manga or heard anything about this badger-esque bouffant before, oshieteiruyo.


Basically this guy Hazama Tokio had some big ass accident in the past when he was a little chibi chiro, and he and his mum got a little bit blown up all to pieces. The wacking great scar he has is from the skin graft he needed when half his face decided it wanted to go separate ways. His mother lay comatose as a doctor saved the young boy with said grafty skinnage and through his desire to save his mother he vows to become Mr genius badger doctor man.
Flash forward to the main time in our story and we find Naka Riisa’s character Yuna, who is training to be a nurse, and this soon to be badger-esque apparent doctor saving some collapsed dude in the street. It soon becomes clear that he is a medical genius but not actually a licensed doctor. He has a secret surgery complete with makeshift operating theatre in some back alley somewhere and all the unsavoury customers that would bring. The two become entangled when Yuna realises a doctor she knows is actually the one who saved Hazama as a boy, and when Yuna’s sister falls desperately ill it is clear that Hazama may be the only one who can help her.

Helping him out is his friend from the medical school played by Kaku Kento (Q10, Tumbling, Samurai High School, Gokusen, Paradise Kiss) I cant help but give a little ureshii squee for him now too.

There is a brilliant homage to the manga which I wont spoil as it is right at the end so I would be totally spilling all the details to explain – but it is a lovely little wink at the original story mentioning Hazama’s little girl – who I love in the anime. Such a cute little munchkin.
It is a gravy little film that I thought was pretty damn cheesy – and rightly so. I think if they did make a series they could afford to pile in the weirdo comedy like in the anime, but for this movie it is pretty serious due to covering all the story of his growing up and then the later sad situations ending in his badger hair and his determination to remain a dodgy underground unlicensed doctor. There wasn’t really much room for silliness. But worth it all the same. More blackjack please. We like it.

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