gokusen ごくせん [series] [movie]

duuuh duh nuh nuuuuh! dun dun duh  da duuuuh!
(that was yankumi turning up in your smokey warehouse to beat you down!)

where on earth do i start... how do i review the almighty gok? there is no way to not love gokusen. even if you dont like it you actually do you just dont realise it. this has the potential to be the longest review with the most pictures im not even gonna bother putting all the main characters names in it would take me forever. look it up on dramawiki. 

ok, we first meet yankumi on her very very first teaching job. she is heir to a yakuza gang but wanted to be a teacher so off she went. hiding her yakuzaryness from eveyone was a little bit hard as she was put in charge of the rowdiest bunch of delinquent yankiis ever seen this side of the second series. kekeke

sawada (matsumoto jun) leads the group he's all moody ass and pouty (though its hard not to pout with that mouth youre never sure what's acting and what's just his face) also featuring in the main group are fantastic actors oguri shun and narimiya hiroki.

one by one the class comes to love yankumi as she sticks her nose (and fists) into their fights and disasterious attempts to stay in school her job becomes to just get them all to graduate without dying or getting expelled first.

yankumi storms into the abandoned warehouses (that apparantly japan has millions of) to save the beaten sh*tless boys when theyre in trouble she beats up any thugs that even sneeze near the tv program and all the guys come to kinda know she's a bit special.

the second series is exactly the same format just a new class. this time with kamenashi kazuya from kat-tun and his bandmate bakanishi jingrish sama akanishi jin. its got a great cast this time round too. the stories are exactly the same - but you just dont care!

they always get mixed up in stuff they shouldnt, nearly get expelled, all hell breaks loose every five minutes and yankumi must lose her job like three times every season.

the third series i have to admit i have a soft spot for. although really its too hard to have a favourite series for me as its all like one big epic movie (i lost a good few weeks just watching series 1 and 2 back to back while waiting for the 3rd one to come out)

this (supposed) final series has miura haruma (samurai high school, bloody mondayand lots of other lovely faces that once again get into the same old sh*t as the other previous classes. but hey - thats what teacher see right? kids go through a lot of the same stuff as their peers. just maybe not some of this sh*t. in reality.

if i say its far fetched, stupid, relentless, repetative, righteous, violent, farsical, unbelievable, corny, predictable, etc etc i may get slapped by the god of brilliant manga adaptation drama but i say it with love! i swear!

its jammed full of moral messages about not being a d*ck and standing up for your friends and all that sorta stuff - but in the nice way japanese tv does it not in the vomit inducing disney type wayyankumi talks the guys down while smacking them in the face. yay!

ok so i should mention yankumi and the other teachers for a minute. she is played by nakama yukie (she really has been in so many things i thought id just put in her dramawiki link http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Nakama_Yukie instead of bother to explain who she is if you dont already know her greatness)

the head teacher she butts heads with constantly in each series sawatari is played by namase katsuhisa. his character gets better and better with each series. the other reoccuring teacher is baba played by azuma mikihisa (he has the hots for yankumi from the moment they met but she only has eyes for unattainable prince on a horse type out of her bumbling clumsy league guys) also yankumi's yakuza family feature in all three series' playing a big part in the story lines. all those guys are great. and also bumbling clumsy idiots.

ok, so on to the movie.

this was supposed to finish off the lot. but im still hoping they do a final series and bring back sawada from the very first series to marry yankumi - lots of gok fans really wish for this.

the movie features a new class and also many of the guys from the third series as main characters in the film. it also has countless short appearances from past characters from all of the series'. (even nakamura yuichi is in there - yes i noticed that one you little scamp! - he was in series 2 if you didnt notice him)

                                                                    there he is ^

and like the three previous series kuma (waki tomohiro) is also around to be generally great and smiley. i really like that he comes back each time we get a new gok.

the best thing about this film? well along side yankumi who should come to work in this school but kamenashi kazuya! i mean his character from series twoaish he couldnt have been more cool. that jacket and the trousers tucked into his boots (^_^) the ever moody pout and quiet mumbling sarcastic remarks and getting beaten up all over again! just like old times right?

for me it works so well as i feel that out of all the students  he got to know yankumi the most somehow. having him there to remind her of what an idiot she is is just genius.

and for the hardcore fans of the drama (and there are almost as many as fans of the manga) we have gokathons where we just watch it all over again over a short period of time and walk around for the few weeks afterwards picking fights with randomers in the street who looked like they might shake us down for small change or pick on our comrade

but we dont back down from any fights do we?!
for this is the blood, sweat and tears of youth!

its also called psychosis caused by the over exposure to gokusen righteous violence.

it doesnt help when you have yankumi's big entrance theme as your ringtone.
if it goes off when you walk into a room... minutes later you realise youve just trashed the place by throwing everyone around and beaten the living sh*t out of them with steel poles that just happened to be laying there all around you.

and god forbid you go anywhere near the beach or a park or a long street you'll end up running or fighting or running and fighting. aish it never ends.

yeah thats right. gokusen psychosis.

there was a helpline.

but the 'on hold' music was yankumi's theme.

there were riots.

those dockyard warehouses never fully recovered.


kattun gok skit:

becky doing yankumi impressions on cartoon kattun:
i really want a clip of the bit right after when nakamaru does the impression too
its the funniest thing in the universe. aish nakamaru rocks.

kimi ni todoke 君に届け [movie]

potential for endless screen shots of him just smiling at her. he's so smiley.  


kuronuma sawako / sadako - tabe mikako (tsubasa, GM~odore doctor)
kazehaya shōta - miura haruma (gokusen3, bimbo danshi, bloody monday)
yano ayane - watanabe natsuna (mop girl, miracle voice, gantz)
yoshida chizuru - misako renbutsu (Q10, nanase futabi)
kurumi - kiritani mirei (hana kimi, natsu no koi wa nijiiro ni kagayaku)

i love this film.

i could almost leave this review at that and post an endless stream of 
stills from the movie of him just watching sawako and smiling at her.
thats basically how you spend the whole film.

this movie satisfied every bit of miura withdrawl i had while waiting for
whatever it was to complete so i could watch it. (it was a while ago now)

smiling is what that boy does best. so yay
he does it lots.

sawako and kazeheya meet one day on the way to school and since then
both had admired each other from seperate ends of the school universe.
kazeheya was loved by everyone - undestandably
and sawako was feared by all - due to her resemblance to the ghost sadako.

sawako was a mild mannered girl who lived to please others, always kind
and helpful. the only person to recognise this seemed to be kazeheya and after
some time he manages to become friends with the withdrawn outcasted girl.

also joining in to this unlikely friendship are two girls (slightly outcasted aswell)
ayane and chizu. as rumours spread about the two girls and kazeheya since
becomming friends with sawako she realises life with her is causing problems
for her dearly loved only friends.

also throwing an irritating spanner into the would-be perfect group of friends
is popular girl kurumi - she has eyes for kazeheya and worms her way into
sawako's circle in an attempt to come between the two.

yes its pretty format for a movie story - i really dont care.
its very sweet - the bits where things go wrong dont last for ages and spiral
out of control - its more realistic and its just plain adorable.

its a girlie film. especially due to how sweet miura played kazeheya - those
longing looks and constant beautiful smiles in sawako's direction just fill up
any lingering unfullfilled first love exitement - just by watching him.

miura has such a natural pressence that put with someone like tabe mikako
who has the abilty to make very quirky characters instantly loveable
it makes a perfectly believable pairing.
as she is being weird and you are thinking *aw she's so weird. but its kinda cute*
then you see him watching her thinking exactly the same thing 
and its written all over his face.

its very funny and sweet, and a lovely way to adapt
an already firmly established manga into a movie.

i dont know what anyone else thought
but i feel like squealing when i watch it.
and do.
everytime either of them smile at each other.


akanbo shoujo 赤んぼ少女 - tamami, the baby's curse [movie]

the most stupid film ive seen since alien vs ninja

*possible spoilers*
it wont ruin it though - its too much terrible geniusness to be ruined by the likes of me.

this movie is meant to be this way - let me put that straight.
it was made in 2008 but it feels like those late 80's early 90's american horror films
like the leprechaun, childsplay or braindead. moments even reminded me of gremlins.

although there has been a recent boom in the genre (machine girl etc)
i dont often see this westernised, almost spoof like, sort of gore fest horror film from japan
but there is a whole world of these movies from asia
- youre not limited to creepy ghosts or twisted torture in the least.

tamami stars young actress
mizusawa nako (sotsu uta - story 3, 3nen B gumi kinpachi sensei - series 8)
as the lead yoko - a 15 year old girl returning to her family after having been
living in an orphanage for almost all of her life.

the house she returns to is seemingly feared by all and sundry
even her taxi driver fakes a stall and leaves her to walk in the rain
to avoid driving all the way into the grounds.

she meets a stern house maid and a loopy mother (gone mad through losing yoko as a baby)
and her loving father who is often away with work.
getting attacked left right and center yoko soon realises there is some weird-ass thing
running around in the house that no-one will admit is there.

father blokey could have easily sorted this whole mess by
killing the damn thing when he had the chance
but instead bundles it up in a bag and throws it in a river. clever.

it can kinda fly for some reason. doesnt appear to have any legs. and has a massive hand.
i dont know why.

it is supposed to be a baby - sort of - im guessing her sister - a mutant twin anyway.
they suggest this much once or twice
but god knows why it can f*cking fly.

it lives in the attic and air ducts or something - having the full run of the house
like something out of children under the stairs
- actually now ive said that it kinda reminds me of that movie.

the thing that got me about this mental piece of weirdness they call a film
was suddenly seeing takumi saito randomly turn up.
(princess princess d, vampire girl vs frankenstien girl, robo geisha,
chase, boys love, itsuka no kimi e, and every other boy love film under the sun)
you dont get a good look at him at first but i could spot that mouth a mile off.

he makes a grand entrance by leaping off a tree over an electric fence
no context given to why he did that or who he is
and thats all we see of him for 30 minutes or so.
i spent that while thinking *it was him - i know it was
but what is he doing in a film like this?*
mind you, he seems to like being in weird stuff.
then yep - right at the cliff hanger moment
he pops up and saves the day - so f*cking cheesy i nearly died.

then he runs off again after being crazily intense about saving his lost brother
(there is a reason for him saying about that - its relevant i just cant be f*cked to explain)
and then pops up again later to bust a door down and save the day
only to get slightly chopped up a bit by a swinging guillotine blade -
and not bleed to death i might add - he pops up yet again to save the day
by yanking girlie out of the well for a second time in a row
all indiana jones stylee - no idea where he got the strength from - but never mind.

ok, so this weird mutant baby thing.
it was supposed to be a 15 year old girl i think?. looked more like chucky road kill.
every time you see her she looks like a different size - no expense spent on the
continuity throughout this film. when she crawls under yoko's duvet
she makes a mere head sized lump under the covers. brilliant.

this movie is so weird. its a good job i grew up watching movies like this
so when it went all children under the stairs - chucky - gremlins kind of weird
i was only surprised as i wasnt expecting it - i didnt just write it off as a piece of sh*t.

i was surprised though as it starts off like a normal ghosty film,
just with - what i thought at first was - bad acting.
turns out it wasnt bad at all - at the point where we first see tamami
i realised ah its one of these type of films.

what a stupid movie.
saito takumi continues to make over the top horror flicks with a straight face
he's a genius i dont know how he does it.

knowing there is this whole other side to asian horror i might seek out
some more of these awful films. i suppose they were the starting point that led to
the evolution of machine girl and those sorts of gore fest movies.
but this was made in 2008 so it was hardly an early one. im guessing the earlier ones
are even worse. the same as with american movies of the same ilk.


ok, so its a creature feature style cheesy over the top stupid horror
with some random gore, hammed up acting
and a sh*t mutant bitey baby that makes rubbish squeaky noises and giggles alot.
...(who is really meant to be a teenage girl)  

ah f*ck it, horror films werent made to make sense.

and now its 1am so im going to bed.