nobuta o produce 野ブタ。をプロデュース [series]

kon kon!

where do i start with this one? this was the series where i first found yamapi.  (^_^) i have seen this so many times, its the old friend i go to whenever i want cheering up.

i could waste hours wishing that yamapi's version of akira was real and i had been to school with him - id have been a lot less out of place with him around. he stole the show for me and watching nobuta the first time round led me to those few lost months where all i did was stay in watching endless amounts of nothing but yamapi dramas.

the three main characters:

kamenashi kazuya (kat-tun) plays shuji - a guy just trying to stay popular, keep his status safe and finish school without drama.

akira (yamapi) is a complete nut bar leaping around like an idiot and making up his own stupid words and phrases, a rich dork who cant get up out of his chair without smacking his hand or falling over.

the polar opposites of these two are brought together by nobuta, (played by horikita maki) firstly, bare in mind it is not in the slightest bit like a "she's all that" or "10 things i hate about you" teen american type thing. the way japanese culture is creates much less sickly morals and generally better story lines. She is reclusive and shy so the two boys take it upon themselves to make her into a popular girl.

nobuta has three great lead actors (maki, kamenashi, yamapi) and even toda erika and daito shunsuke thrown in for good measure as a supporting role. its hard not to get caught up with their mission and by the end of the series its as if youve known these characters as your own dear friends.

i do love a good school drama and this is my absolute favourite. kamenashi, who later became one of my favourite actors, is the straight man in this so you dont get to see any real goofing around by him (which is his best side i think but he is still good with the normalness too)

maki is always great in whatever she is in and even though she was so young when filming nobuta was already showing her talent.

but for sure the reason i watch nobuta is yamapi's akira. i have heard that much of his qwerks were improvised and ad libbed and i cant imagine akira played by anyone else.

i want akira to be real and my friend. how can i become queen of the world and order yamapi to just be akira for me for the rest of time..? aint gonna happen is it.

the main point of this drama is illustrating friendship bonds, where they can form out of nowhere and overcome hard times. "i like nobuta best when she's one of the three of us. then i love her." akira

he has all the best lines i think due to the unavoidable honesty of his character and sometimes akira can make you squirm with regret as he has little lonely moments or insightful empathy towards shuji or nobuta.

my favourite thing i like to see yamapi do is watch other people. he has great watery eyes that seem to convey so much feeling when he is looking at someone. its subtle but there are many moments i find myself watching him while other people are talking as his expressions and glances are often more descriptive than the script.

i think that nobuta o produce is a bit of a girlie one to be honest. and i also thought that id have funnier things to say about it seen as it makes me laugh so much but it appears im so serious in my adoration of akira that i cant think of much else.

there is alot of fan fiction of nobuta - mainly boy love stuff to do with shuji and akira which i can kind of understand because their friendship is so sweet.
i think the wealth of fan fic about them is telling of how many people loved those two and right to the end of the drama stuck with them hoping everything would turn out ok.

three seconds of this can put a smile on my face especially if its akira flapping down the stairs like a moron. all the little phrases and manerisms i warn you get in your head and you find yourself saying or singing akira's lines before you realise it.

so dont be surprised if no-one knows what youre talking about when you exclaim "akira shock!" or you get weird looks when you try and rest your chin on your friend's shoulder all the time. just make them watch nobuta and all will make sense and be right with the world.

it has been brought to my attention that i may be a little similar to ^ that dork up there. yes i cant seem to walk through a door frame without hitting it, yes i make up my own words and sing at people for no reason, leap about like an idiot, i inflicted my friendship on people who were really too cool to be friends with me, and didnt have a clue how rediculous i looked when i did things like spray paint my hair blue in the bike sheds and hold onto my friends leg (to try and maker her skip class with me) as she dragged me the whole way across the carpark to escape, but... 

hmm... now that you mention it...  



  1. Kon kon!!! Glad to find a fellow Yamapi fan. Actually, nobuta wo produce was also my first Yamapi and Kazuya Kamenashi drama. :P I really loved his character and was so inflicted by him that I went crazy, watching Yamapi dramas all day long :D even though I am half his age (more than half, actually, I am 13 and he's 30) I lovvvvvve him :D

    1. Oh that's so sweet! I did the same thing years ago. My niece is also about your age and love NEWS, all the past and present members, obviously including Yamapi :) His character in Nobuta is always my favourite of Yamapi's. I hope he returns to his silly ways in future dramas, its been so long since he was funny like this.
