finding lost time dbsk 동방신기 mini drama

aish this wouldve made a great movie.

so time for another tvxq / dbsk mini drama as i cant be bothered to do any cleaning or go out and make any use of myself in the real world.

sneakie sneakies   kekekeke

finding lost time is a pair with the uninvited guest both mini dramas have the same time frame and setting - it starts off pretty much the same but in finding lost time you see where micky goes when he f*cks off for that bit in the uninvited guestdid that make sense? probably not.

anyway, it is about half an hour long and features the usual bunch of muppets dong bang shin ki and their manager, this time mainly focussing on mickyunexpectedly who should pop up but sungmin of super junioryay

ok so basically what happens is...

pretty but sad girlie turns up to tell micky serious face that his childhood best friend not-in-a-gay-way-though-they-look-pretty-gay-and-it-is-sungmin-so-its
gonna-be-camp-and-adorable-anyway-type-of friendshipy-best-friends is dead.

(i think pretty sad girl is the same one from their other mini drama tokyo holiday from which comes my favourite bit in all their dramas when u-know says that shy micky is really a playboy - he spends all night playing tambourine with lots of girls - cut to micky playing tambourine with lots of girls kekekeke)

we see lots of flash backs and its all cute and lovely but also a bit sad and unfortunate. with some great serious faces. check em out:

hero jaejoong gets to come out with the best line in the whole thing when micky asks him would he choose love or friendship i think he says something like its not a choice -the two are always togther you either keep both or lose both. nice.

its all reflecting back on the past of ah sad teary bless em type moments until there is a twsit which i saw coming but still gave a little oooo cheer when it unfirled

yay for dong bang shin ki for being so brilliantly rubbish
yay for sungmin being so awsome
yay for stupid korean pop band tv

damn it i wish they were still togther and making these rediculous shows.


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