Team Da Lang all the way with flags and match rigging bribes and fireworks.
When watching 100% Entertainment one time when Rainie Yang came on to talk about their series I obviously went looking for it straight away.
I started watching back then and months later poor Da Lang is still without his girl because I hadnt gotten around to finishing the damn thing.
This is such a great series I don't know why it took so long to get through. I think I didn't want it to end.
Since this show, the Rainie Yang and Show Luo have been in an Australian project together which was a mini series to promote China in Oz. I'll review that if I can find time and post the links to where you can watch it online.
Back to Hi My Sweetheart.
Show Luo plays a nigh on indescribable character Lim Dal Lang - the king of adorable dorks with an underbite the size of his bank account.
Da Lang meets Bao Zhu at his new school and they fall in to a love hate relationship ending in utter disaster when their families tear them apart.
Both thinking the other had deserted them, the pair have sad or bitter memories of their past relationship.
In a bizarre twist of fate they are thrown together again years later but only after Da Lang had become unrecognizable with a new name and persona as a womanizing playboy with no concern for others and an ego to rival his wealth.
I was surprised to find myself missing the old Da Lang (as stupid as he looked) and every time he had a little hilarious split personality moment and reverted back to the old Da Lang I squealed with joy.
Show Luo is so funny. Even more than i thought he would be. I actually love him as much as Nobuta's Akira. Now that is saying something.
xzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz [the cat just stepped on the keyboard to show her appreciation too] I really do think that his Da Lang is one of my most favourite characters in any series ever.
I can't even begin to describe how pure and sweet the relationships between all the characters are.
It is one of the most squeal inducing drama's I have seen to date. Always routing for those two idiots.
I came to love Lee Wei's character He Yan Feng so much by the end, he wasnt just the simpering unrequited love. He became so awesome. I cant even slightly do this series justice. One of the best.
Unfortunately i cant write any more as the formatting is f*cking up so bad its taking too long to fix each thing I write. God damn you blogspot. Get it together.
Love Rainne Yang and Show Luo. ♥
She has the most perfect fringe of anyone ever and I want it. And he wins for the best pout in the world.
To watch Rainie and Show's Aussie mini drama :-