laundry ランドリー [movie]

can i add teru to my list of pets please? im sure that taguchi tamagochi,
jeremy anjell, demon gay, and momo wont mind...

i love this movie. so much. when i first found it ages ago, i saw the movie poster and i just saw some cute [possibly crazy?]  guy on it and thought *looks interesting, ah i'll grab that as i want something to watch tonight* not noticing it was kubozuka yosuke who i love love love love love so much! i was all exited when he came on screen and i realised it was him.

i had no idea what it was about [clearly also who was in it] and to my absolute joy of joys koyuki suddenly appeared on screen and i KNEW this was going to be genius.

kubozuka plays teru - the most adorable puppy of a person you could imagine. koyuki plays mizue - completely utilizing those sad eyes of hers to the absolute maximum. it is a very quiet lonely film with so much sweetness and love, it is heartbreaking but warm and hopeful. i just love this film so much.

teru is 20 years old but an accident in his youth stunted his mental growth. although he is very capable he has some trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality. the way it manifests in teru though is the way most of us would like to be. he is loving and honest - his job is to stop creepy men from stealing underwear at the coin laundry. he sits guard all day on his chair at the window and knows all the regular customers by name. 
one day mizue visits the coin laundry looking as if her heart had been shattered. she leaves an item in the machine and with adorable determination teru manages to catch up to her and return it. their unlikely friendship grows from there.
thinking about this movie makes me exited and sad all at the same time. it made me cry in floods - i cant even explain. koyuki plays her character with such epic loneliness - i just adore her. i really just love her sad eyes. 

it is a quirky film due to the characters but the pace and feel is very quiet and sad. there are some extremely funny moments and certainly an unusual story develops later on.

sally, played by naito takashi, is a man teru meets at one point on his second search for mizue (she runs off a lot). he keeps and trains pigeon doves for ceremonies. when things begin to look uncertain for the pair, teru and mizue turn to him for help and end up becomming involved in the rearing of the birds.

mizue has an uncomfortable past - and one that teru probably would not be able to comprehend - but he manages to comfort her inspite of that. feeling unworthy of his love mizue's problems surface even though she is desperate to be happy. gutting situations arrise and it looks as if it will all end in tears.

i cant really say much other than the whole cast (however small it is) is wonderful. i could gush on and on about it but that wouldnt do much good to you i suppose. i like lonely sad films, but i also like ones that dont make me want to die at the end of it because everyone is destroyed and doomed or dead. this is perfect really as it made me sad but in that way where even when things are looking up im still crying because it is so sweet.

i love the dude that sits in the machine all the time. so funny.

i feel kind of weird when i watch things with kubozuka in. because he sort of semi-retired and i know he isnt in much else these days; the more work of his i watch the less things there are for me to see him in.

i first saw him in the movie ping pong ピンポン years and years ago (that was actually made 2002 the same year as laundry) and then later when i came to watch long love letter ロング・ラブレター「漂流教室」 i remembered him and looked him up. i loved him in LLL so much and while watching that i found out about his retirement from dramas and the reasons for it. it is obviously sad and unfortunate and i would rather he was out of the business if he is happier that way, but from a personal standing i just wish i could see him in more things. he is such a great actor. i dont want to mention this everytime i review something with him in but in a way i guess it is hard not to. i also loved him in his early dramas strawberry on the shortcake [SOS] ストロベリー・オンザ・ショートケーキ and IWGP 池袋ウエストゲートパーク (which i still havent finished becuase i keep forgetting about it).

koyuki i adored from kimi wa petto きみはペット  but she was also in IWGP and a few other things i started watching a while back. she is the main reason i loved kimi wa petto so much - aside from matsumoto jun's hair (the only time i can ever say that!) and she always offers those sad watery eyes to whatever role she plays.

aish what can i say. i love them both. so glad they made this lovely lonely movie.


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