Watashi no Kirai na Tantei 私の嫌いな探偵 [series]

Kill one bird with many many big fat stones. Please. 

 Main cast:

 Gouriki Ayame - Ninomiya Akemi 
 Tamaki Hiroshi - Ukai Morio 
 Shiraishi Shunya - Tomura Ryuhei 
 Watanabe Ikkei - Sunagawa Goro 
 Yasuda Misako - Miki Kaoru 
 Naito Risa - Satomi Shikanuma 
 Yuki - Moe 

There were many cameo and guests but I really cant be bothered to look them up and I've forgotten all of them apart from the hilarious Kurihara Louis (vampire miyabi from Higanjima) and Asari Yosuke from everything ever (negative happy chainsaw edge, pacchigi, rich man poor woman, code blue, tiger and dragon, code blue, bla bla bla bla bla). So no-one else is in my cast list.

 Director: Tsukamoto Renpei (wig, saru lock, god hand teru
 Director: Katayama Osamu (hana yori dango, tiger and dragon, mop girl
 Screen Writer: Fukuda Yuichi  (tokyo dogs, saru lock, 1 pound no fukuin, tenma san ga yuku

With a production team like this I really thought it would be great. I really did. But I found hardly anything in this drama I liked - I barely remember it and I only finished it a few months back. 

Nothing stuck with me really and I know you cant win them all but I was disappointed with this one. It wasn't ranty late night cheap drama therefore amazing type sh*t, it was just a bit sh*t. 

I liked Shirashi Shunya - a much better character for him than Higanjima. Not so serious, a bit cute and funny. It would have been nicer to have more of the banter between the two male leads rather than focus only on the beak faced wall paper paste musings of our leading ladybird.

It wasnt particularly funny, or interesting, or twisty turny. It was just a bit bland and the lead girl is so plain in her acting style I thought she might be from AKB47Rounin or something. 

She looks like a bird - yes they bring that up many times in the drama - and its not a cute thing. Even her clothes annoy me in the show. She just bugs me so much for a whole myriad of reasons and it made it boring and pointless to watch. 

Even more annoying was that the would be interesting other main character takes a back seat to her, and we could have got all our light relief from his stiff over serious greatness. But it didn't come through because I was so distracted by her annoying empty character

Played by the fantastic Nodame's Tamaki Hiroshi, it would have been nice to see a properly fleshed out rip off of Galileo as his character was supposed to be, but he was too busy swatting away the annoying buzzard flapping around him. Gouriki I mean. If you didn't hear my reference over the buzzing and flapping. Because she is a bird. And annoying. 

Nope. Sorry. I couldn't like it much. A few episodes I really tried to get into, and mainly when she was not around it was an ok drama. I had to just ignore every thing she said and plough on to finish it. 

I had no love for this idiot girl bouncing around this detective poser, and I didn't care what happened between them. Not the best way to watch a slightly will they wont they love hate relationshipy story between two potentially good characters. It just ended up being the bird faced sh*t clothes girl and uptight detective Galileo spoof man show. 

It really wasn't bad enough to be funny, so I just got no enjoyment out of that. It wasn't good enough to be gripping and make me look forward to each episode with glee face. So yeah. This one was a fail I'm afraid. I cant even make this rant amusing because it was just too flat and non anything to rant about. Shame really. 

Having said all this there were some good moments and I did like the over all idea, even though its been done to death - I'm not afraid of that. The squid mascot thing was... weird. Was that even in this drama? Did I imagine it?

Seriously I'm having trouble remembering anything else about this drama at all. Even after running through it again just now to get screen shots. It didn't make much impression at all.

Maybe I expected something from it and that didn't help - but I always expect things! Cant be that. I think we should just draw a line under this one. It was pants. Sorry.

I'm going to cut this one short because I don't care enough about the show to write anymore and also I've literally just received the original Katamari Damacy for ps2 that I ordered the other day and I wanna go play that forever. And even though my life sucks so hard right now, it makes it feel a little bit more awesome. Because Katamari. Joys.


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